Registration for the 2025 season

We welcome returning and new players for 2025.

Registrations now OPEN!!

All Registrations are completed online via the Play Football website


Uniform orders can be placed online via our website.

Registration Assistance Day

All players who wish to play with Loftus Yarrawarrah Rovers FC in 2025 must be registered in the new online system PlayFootball v2.0.

The purpose of the assistance day is for ID sighting for new players.  Registration Assistance Day for 2025 will be held on Tuesday 4th February (6:30pm – 8:00pm) at Loftus Oval Clubhouse.

All registration fees must be paid before registrations are completed.  New players of all ages are very welcome.

Please note – until all fees are paid, players are not covered by the insurance cover provided when grading and training – all youth players 5-16 years must register before grading commences on 9th February 2025.

On-line Registration system

It is compulsory for every member of the Sutherland Shire Football Association to be registered through the online system –

To Register – For New to Football players

To Register – For Returning Players (including those who are new to Loftus but have played at other clubs within the Sutherland Shire Football Association), you will be required to claim your existing account.  To claim your account, you will need to match the following details with your existing account:  First Name, Last Name and Date of Birth.  If your name has changed or you have noticed an error in your date of birth, you MUST contact your Club Registrar NOT Playfootball support.

Step-by-step guides are provided below for ease of participants claiming their account in the following scenarios:

Here are links to help you get there faster:

Overall Loftus page of Products

Or specifically:


Grading for Miniroo and Junior teams will commence from Sunday 9th February.  Junior grading will be held at Loftus Oval while Miniroo grading will be held at Pendlebury Park (also known as Orchid Street).

Detailed grading days and times for each age group will be published closer to the date.   

ALL grading queries are to be directed to Rob Munro,

Round 1 of the 2025 competition will be after on the weekend of 29th / 30th March 2025.

Team Coaches & Managers

We look forward to welcoming our returning Coaches and Managers in 2025.  If you are interested in volunteering as a coach or manager, please let a committee member know at Registration Assistance Day, Grading Day or give one of us a call – All participation is welcome.

All coaches and managers must register via Playfootball and must have a Working With Children Check (except Senior teams) and details must be included in the registration.

New to Football Registrations

A requirement under the Sutherland Shire Football Association (SSFA) for any new to football within the SSFA must have their age and residence verified.  Details are within the link below.

Link to Proof of Age and Residence


With the new system, ALL players Male & Female Players from U10/W10 and above MUST include a new Photo to progress registration.  Photos must be a CURRENT passport style photo. No hats or glasses to be worn. (Please have this ready before you commence your registration). If Photos do not meet the requirements as detailed in the link below, this will impact approval of your registration.

Link to Player Photographs

Registration Fees for 2025 

Link to Rego Fees 2025

Financial Hardship – We appreciate that there may be individuals or families that are experiencing hard times due to lost income due to the pandemic. The Rovers Committee would not want people to drop out of sport because they are in such a predicament. If you are indeed experiencing such a hardship, we request you to communicate directly with the President, Secretary or Registrar for their consideration of hardship assistance to allow you to play sport. Such a call to either of these people will be kept strictly confidential. No one outside this circle will know of any arrangements that we may make.

Dependent Family Discount Claim BEFORE Registering – All families (defined as ‘one or two parents/legal guardians and their dependent children’) with three or more players registering to play with Rovers may receive a $30 Family Discount per player if all the players register by the 9th February 2025.  

Dependent children must be born in 2007 or later.  In cases which do not fit these general criteria, the Rovers Committee will consider approving the Family Discount on a case-by-case basis.

Note that players claiming a ‘Life Member Discount’ may not claim the Family Discount for themselves.  However, they may be counted as part of a family to allow the other family members to claim their Family Discount. For example, if a life member’s two children also play for the Rovers, he/she can claim a ‘Life Member Discount’ and $60 Family Discount.

Please send your application for the Family Discount (or any other enquiries) by email to the Rovers Registrar Steven Aquel:  BEFORE you commence Registering any family members.  The email MUST include the full names (including surnames) of the family members playing for the Rovers in 2025. 

Late Registration – An automated Loftus Yarrawarrah Rovers FC administration fee of $20 will apply to all player registrations U12 and above received from 10th February 2025.  Sutherland Shire Football Association administration fee of $50 will apply to all player registrations U12 and above received from 24th February 2025.

Registration Links


Enquiries regarding registrations in all age groups should be directed to:

Steven Aquel Registrar

E –

M – 0414 482 121

Traditionally registration days are a busy time. Please be patient and ensure all required original documentation is on hand to ensure the process to move as quickly as possible.  Your co-operation will be appreciated.

We look forward to seeing you for yet another exciting season!